Posts Tagged ‘Mayor of London’
Calls for grooming gang inquiry rejected by City Hall following Conservative gaffe
Tory calls for a London-wide investigation were voted down by Assembly members
Read MoreCity Hall accused of ‘publicly undermining’ Met Police boss to force his retirement
Mayor of London’s crime chief Sophie Linden faces three-pronged attack from Conservatives over Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe’s resignation
Read MoreRodents, damp and collapsed bathrooms – Londoners reveal their ‘bad landlord’ experiences
Renters in the capital give details of their personal struggles with landlords ranging from constant rent increases to shoddy maintenance
Read MoreMayor launches taskforce to tackle ‘shameful’ rise in rough sleeping
Announcement comes as leading charity marks World Homelessness Day by handing Downing Street a petition signed by 15,000 people
Read MoreSadiq Khan launches Living Rent scheme to ‘help Londoners’
London’s mayor sets out affordable rents pledge during New York trip but Green Party’s Sian Berry warns plan is ‘not sophisticated enough’
Read MoreFury at London Mayor for ‘appalling’ decision to block police spit hoods
Scotland Yard must now explain to City Hall why it needs the equipment before it can be introduced
Read MoreWatchdog fears ‘risks’ of holding vote for next Mayor of London on same date as general election
Voters could be confronted with four different ballot papers as well as different electoral systems
Read MoreCampaigners urge Olympic legacy chiefs to block concrete factory plans
Thousands sign petition condemning proposals for three concrete factories and an Asphalt plant at the Olympic Park
Read MoreResidents fume at plans to scrap cyclists’ crossing at Olympic Park
Hundred people brave rain to protest at plans to turn popular Monier Road bridge at the Olympic Park into “dangerous rat-run”
Read MoreCampaigners slam ‘indiscriminate’ development on Isle of Dogs
Residents claim their concerns have been ignored and are calling for a review of previous planning decisions
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