Bow corner shop gets thumbs-up for additional 16-seat restaurant

A corner shop in Bow is getting a makeover and will include a new 16-seat restaurant at the back of the building after councillors approved a new premise licence.

The applicant, David Miller, had initially sought permission for the sale of alcohol, for consumption both on and off the premises from 8am to 11pm every day of the week at 9 Morgan Street, also known as ‘Ye Olde Corner Shoppe’.

During last week’s (4 March) meeting with Tower Hamlets Council’s licensing sub-committee, Mr Miller said the premises will remain as a shop that sells drinks, basic food, coffee and baked goods but it will also have a small dining area at the back with a focus on small plates, side dishes and pasta dishes as well as drinks.

He told the committee he has lived in the area for the past eight years and already runs a bakery nearby, and that he wanted to create something that local residents would be happy to see and would enhance the neighbourhood.

Prior to last week’s meeting, Mr Miller and the Metropolitan Police had agreed that on Sundays the sale of alcohol would stop at 10.30pm.

The plans received five objections from residents who raised concerns including about noise and were worried people would be “drinking in the street”.

John Hicks, a local resident who was speaking against the plans, said there was ‘absolutely no point or any need’ to have another licensed premises, arguing there are three pubs already in the area.

Later on in the meeting, he said: “I think my main objection is the amount of disturbance it is going to cause in the immediate enclave because it will fundamentally change everything.

“It will stop becoming a corner shop which has never been an issue, and it will become something completely different. You will give permission for a completely new establishment which could throw up all sorts of new problems, problems that have never been there and will be a detriment to the people who live in the immediate area.”

In response to concerns about people congregating outside the premises late at night, Mr Miller explained that the seating will be located at the back of the property and as an added condition, drinks will be served to seated customers only.

He said: “I don’t believe there will be any reason for people to gather outside, I’m assuming we’re talking about exiting the premises, people have finished their meal, they’re not going to have loads to drink, they’re going to want to get home. There’s no reason for them to stay around the exit and should that for any reason happen, we will move them on.”

The sub-committee then proceeded to deliberate in private and ultimately decided to approve of the licence, with an added condition that a direct telephone number for the premises is available for residents whenever the premises is open.

The new licence means the premises will open from 8am to 11pm every day, with the sale of alcohol, both on and off the premises from 8am to 10.30pm every day.


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